There are three common Winegard Batwings,, Sensar II, III and IV, of these the IV is the least common and if you needed a new roof I seriously doubt you have one.
The IV has a Wingman attached (it points to the stations) if yours does not have the wingman (UHF Director Array) then it is an II or III.
Adding the Wingman improves UHF reception
The IV is the best RV rooftop antenna (Assuming you are going for long range reception, more on this later)
Adding a Sensar Pro indoor module (or if you have the wall plate replacing it with the Sensar Pro) is the best improvement you can make.
Antennas are tradeof devices,
Here is how to better understand the trade off
Take a map, and stick a pin in the middle of it, This pin represents your RV
Now take a necklace chain and arrainge in a circle around the pin, This is an OMNIDIRECTIONAL antenna such as the Winegard Roadstar "Flying Saucer"
Pull the pin, lay a popsicle (Craft) Stick down and pin it into the same hole
now pull the chain into an oval, major/minor axis ratio 2 or 3 to 1, minor axis is along the stick.. That is a batwing.
now lay a half stick at right angles to the first, at the center.
Pull the chain so it's egg shaped, long axis is in the dirction of the half stick, Short axis is about the same length. That is the WINGMAN
now DOUBLE the length of the chain That is the Sensar Pro.
You can "SEE" any transmitter within the chain
NOTE: not to scale, represnetive only of the changes
Antennas like the JACK, are not as directional as the Batwing + wingman, this means if you are close to the towers (They are more "Scattered" The wider beam width means you see more of them without re-pointing
But if you are far out. Then TV stations tend to be more "Clustered" (Same beam heading ) and the Batwing sees farther.