My husband had restrung some of our shades a time or two, but there came a point when they were just too darn old. Now, I have a sewing machine. My only skill with a sewing machine is to sew a straight line. I went to Target, bought some heavy, blackout type curtains, measured, cut, and hemmed them. My husband installed curtain rods, and we hung the curtains. We both like them. Very easy to use.
Time I spent creating the curtains? About a half hour measuring and considering how I was going to install. Several hours looking for the type of curtains I wanted. Running back and forth to Target a fair amount of times (the first curtain I made didn't turn out all that well and I bought only a few curtains at first in case my idea didn't work). Cutting and pinning and hemming eight curtains for four windows-about four hours. Installing the rods and curtains-about one hour.
Looking back-I'm glad I made the curtains.