The replacement tv type will depend on how you use your rv.
If you’re hooked up in CG’s with power you can use any tv.
If you boondock it would be best for you to shop around for a 12 volt model. My 40” is a 12 volt model but uses 65 watts.
I installed a 3rd agm battery specifically for the tv and sat recvr. If you can get by with a smaller tv it would be beneficial while boondocking.
When / if you mount it using a swing pivot mount, i would add a web strap or two to secure it to the wall. Snug it up to prevent bouncing, i have seen a few rip off the wall mounts.
Sometimes you have to mount some plywood onto the wall using a lot of screws with spacers , then bolt the mount to the wood. The spacers on the screws allow you the needed clearance to install the nuts for the bolts.