The Texan wrote:
msmith1199 wrote:
The Texan wrote:
Why not replace the roof with a solid type, instead of another rubber roof that is subject to the same problems you are correcting? There are multiple companies that do this and everyone I know that has had it done is super happy with the results. It is similar to LineX or Rhino. One such company is RV in Florida, but there are others.
Almost $5,000 for a 35 foot motorhome? Quite expensive.
Just used that website as a demo of what can be done with the roof type spray on hard liners. There are others and the prevailing prices that friends have paid, have been UNDER $3000 for a complete job.
$3k may be more reasonable. I have a one piece fiberglass roof on my motorhome and the only places I've had issues have been at the seams and around the skylight over the shower. I wonder if it would help any (and be a lot cheaper) just to put this stuff over the seams in the front and back and around the other problem areas, instead of coating the entire roof.