Forum Discussion

egh33's avatar
Aug 28, 2014

Residential Refrigerator

(Residential Refrigerator) you folks that have replaced your RV fridge with a residential one, did you have to modify the cabinet a lot where the RV refrigerator was placed??

I can not take the bottom drawer out below the fridge as the convertor is behind the drawer.

Also where do to find a residential refrigerator even close to the size RV fridge that's in there?
I have a 2006 Winnebago Adventurer 36' 4 door refrigerator
  • We did the Samsung 24.5 cf from Lowes, had to lower the bottom but width worked well, agree on the correct temps. Each side has thermostat, so keep freezer T -2 & reftig side at 34f. Does everything wonderful. Have a 2500 watt inverter that includes a 100 amp 4 step charger, battery setup is 4 8D Gel Cell string, so 24 hour off the post is no issue.
    The Samsung 24.5cf has ice (cube or crushed) and water in the door, that is a new thing for us, we do enjoy it and have over a year with no issues. Would not ever go back to the ammonia type, they are a joke.
    Dave M
  • "Once you go residential, you will never want to go back to an absorption RV fried. Cold beer and hard ice cream is great! " I absolutely agree but on my trip to Glacier NP it would have been nice to have the gas option so that my batteries would last longer. It was too shady in the campsite for solar cells and generator hours were very limited. I cannot imagine why camper fridges don't have at least a compressor chilling unit from a dorm type refridgerator in them. Heck, the whole fridge only costs about $100 so the chiller must only be about $50. On a $1,500 RV fridge that would be trivial.
  • Found it at Lowes. Ours is Fridgidaire 22 cubic foot. Yes we had to do a few changes and then trim it in. We have a furnace below the fridge. We had to lower the cabinet floor an inch to get it to fit. It sticks out 2 inches more than the last one but because of how we trimmed it in it still looks like it is factory.
  • Depends on what you have now. If you have a Norcold 4 door fridge (1200LRIM or similar) there are several residential units that will generally fit the opening with little modification. Many times the height is more of an issue than width.

    The Samsung RF197 is a popular model used by many folks. I used a top freezer Frigidaire on a previous coach. Measure your opening and head to Lowe's with a tape measurer and see what fits. Once you go residential, you will never want to go back to an absorption RV fried. Cold beer and hard ice cream is great!