We got this idea from a friend and it may not directly answer the question but it is a good idea for useing space wisely and simply. Before you travel freeze your water bottles. We added a cargo carrier on the hitch and then put the frozen water bottles in a large marine igloo cooler, (special marine coolers can keep items cooler longer than most). We then just add some ice and our other items and everything stays cold longer. Using larger coolers also remember to get one with a low drain valve so you don't have to remove it to drain off the excess water. We also add pre-frozen plastic ice blocks to our frig in our Pleasureway Excel. They keep things colder quicker than just running the frig. while underway and saves power until we can plug in again. For the long haul, dry dry ice in the cooler is great but follow directions fully. Nothing better than arriving at your destination, setting up your site and enjoying your favorite cold beverage. Class B RVing, B Safe, B Happy, Go RVing.