MiPaJacks wrote:
Loos like I'll need to replace the Rad fan on my MH. I am planning on the Hyden 2799 clutch. Question, I have a bit of bearing squeal on start up and for a few minutes after. Do I need to replace the water pump at the same time?
Well Sir,
You're not stating what the problem(s)are. And, I'm assuming you're going to replace the fan "clutch" not the fan, unless there's something wrong with the fan too. About 99.999% of the time, when an engine has a squeal when it starts up, it's a belt issue, not a bearing issue. The belt sits for a bit, maybe get's cold and loosens a tad bit and then, upon engine startup, when loads like the alternator is trying to put juice into the battery from cranking the engine, the belt slips under that extra load for just a short while.
Then, things resume normal tension and the belt starts to seat and not slip or, make noise. Now, first off, how old is the belt(s), how many miles, last time changed? It's a '97 M/H so, are any of the belts under an automatic tensioner or, are all of them manually tightened?
As for your fan clutch, many times, the fan clutch automatically reverts to 75% lockup during cold engine operations. That intern, causes excessive fan noise on cold engines. That too will put an additional load on a belt, especially a worn, older belt. Then, as the engine RPM is increased for cold engine operations, the bi-metal spring in the clutch senses the cold air and, releases the fluid in the clutch which, allows the fan to basically free-wheel and, the noise, from the fan, drops to almost nothing.
Anyway, maybe a bit more info is needed to help us, help you in your inquiry.