Forum Discussion

ronaz01's avatar
Jul 25, 2015

Roof and vents

I have a couple of questions. The refrigerator roof cap is turning to dust. The refer is a Dometic the RV is a 2001. I did some research on them and it seem they are pretty universal. Is it product specific. I thought it was going to be expensive but it looks like it' not a problem.

Question Two. I think I need to coat the roof. I have research this and was looking at a 5 gallon bucket from Home Depot of Gardner Stay Kool elastometric. Seems a better buy than a gallon of roof coating for $55. Will this work? Thanks in advance.

Comments on the coating say it will.
  • With the Age of your roof I would recommend taking it to RV dealer / service center and have them inspect and reseal the edges and seams. I bought a used RC with a un-maintained roof and wound up with a surprise $4000 repair a few weeks after I bought it. Haveing the roof serviced is only a few hundred $$ and will ad years to your roof. I Now have my roof inspected every year. Your AC gasket is also overdue for replacement.
  • j-d wrote:
    Do you need just the cover or the kit that is base and cover? Cover's about $20 and kit about $40. Here's a pic of the kit with both pieces
    . Upper pic is the two parts from the bottom, lower pic is from the top.

    Probably both. I noticed a hole in the base so I covered it with plastic until I can get to work on it. Phoenix summers not good for that type of work. Outside repairs start in late October!!
  • wildtoad wrote:
    Why do you think you need to coat the roof?

    you would have to see it but several years ago white flake were blowing every where. I needed to get on the top and the coating or something flaked off. It doesn't seem to be leaking all calking is good dirty, but good. It looks to me like a coat couldn't hurt it. Since I need to replace the Refrige cap I might as well seal the roof. Then I need to tackle the fuel pump:M
  • That elastomeric works fine. Just chip and scrape loose material. Then hose off all the grit and debris. Make sure you remove any oils or tree sap with acetone. Carb cleaner works fine. Then goop it on, providing protection for drippage and so on. It's good for about three years. If you are doing just seams, the field of the roof is unecessary, you might consider covering with eternabond tape after it dries.
  • I would be interested in how that stuff works on a 14 year old roof.
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Do you need just the cover or the kit that is base and cover? Cover's about $20 and kit about $40. Here's a pic of the kit with both pieces
    . Upper pic is the two parts from the bottom, lower pic is from the top.
  • Hmmm. I added a link for a picture of coating and it didn't show up.