Thanks to all of you who offered alternative suggestions. I just assumed I needed a new roof from the attitude of the adjuster. Guess I shouldn't assume anything with RV repair and should ask more questions. This RV is new to me. I just got it and there is so much to learn as it is so different from anything I've ever had. The last time I had hail damage on a rubber roof, it was tears that could be repaired and the whole roof didn't have to be replaced. Since insurance DIDN'T pay enough for a replacement, I am assuming that having someone just do patches, if it's not so bad, would probably take care of any possible leaks. I will post photos of the roof as soon as I get some photos of it so you can tell me what you think. I have to have the shrouds, fan vents, solar panel, tv satellite and the tv antenna replaced as well as the plastic covers for the windshield wipers. It was baseball sized hail and it took out the entire RV park at F. E. Warren AFB in Cheyenne! No one escaped without a lot of damage.