As a current resident, I would like to speak to defend the condition of Michigan's roads, but I am not a liberal politician. If you live with these roads you will like them even less. Michigan has three strikes against it that the current administration is working to overcome.
We have a freeze/thaw cycle here that is more severe than most places.
Michigan allows trucks on the road than heavier than any other state. In spite of this some trucks still push the 175K# limit. Steel haulers moving coil for automotive used to be the real big problem as they get paid by the pound.
Last but no means least is that the recent spate of corporate and personal bankruptcies spawned by the government manipulation of the some businesses caused a major loss of income to the state and as such many needed projects got sidetracked.
I honestly do not driving at night, my eyes and reflexes aren't good enough to see the holes in time to avoid them.
Recently, the states cashflow is reported to be positive and with that the administration has promised to get some of these projects underway.
Well, until that happens I won't laugh at the "I'm not drunk, I'm dodging the potholes" bumper sticker.
My advice, if you are coming to Michigan. make sure you have a spare tire and know how to work the tire damage warranty and only drive in daylight.