I can tell you that if this involved a trucking company's equipment, the usual modus operandi is to sue everybody, the trucking company, the trucking company's insurance company, the driver, the manufacturer of the tractor, the manufacturer of the brakes on the tractor, the manufacturer of the trailer, and the company who shipped the load that the trucking company was hauling. And if it is your car that the trucking company hit, your lawyer will probably attempt to get them to rent you a car until yours is fixed or you have a new one. I can tell you all the above from personal experience with both commercial heavy trucking insurance and with my own auto insurance. So if someone ran off the highway and hit my motorhome sitting beside my home, I would expect a rental motorhome until mine was fixed, just like I would expect a rental car if they hit my car. But the other insurance company will often not pay rental unless your own insurance policy has a rental clause that covers your.
But we are missing lots of details from the OP's translation of what happened.