Forum Discussion

bamaspiveys's avatar
Jun 25, 2016

RV sitting for over 2 years - recommendations

So, I am still shopping and have found an RV that has been sitting up for a while: It is a 2006 Phaeton with 15,000 miles. The owner says it has not been used in a little over 2 years, he cranks it and runs the generator when he thinks about it but it has not moved in 2years.

If I buy this coach what do you do with the engine, trans & genset?

I talked to 3 local RV service depts and got mixed messages from all of them.
Service Dept #1 said drive it like it is, oil does not break down in a bottle on the shelf and it does not breakdown in an oil pan either. Don't touch the trans, as soon as you start changing filters you are gonna move a piece of dirt in the trans and the problems will begin.

Service Dept #2 Change it all. Start with all new filters and fluids in the engine, trans and genset.
( I tend to lean in this direction)

Service Dept #3 said change the oil and filter for the engine, and genset, change the filters on the trans but not the fluid.

After those three calls I was more confused than when I started.....

  • Check for leaks, it probably had no maintenance or inspections in at least two years.

    Have a diesel mechanic/RV Tech check everything. Especially the engine and drive train.

    Where was it sitting for two years, inside, outside, covered, not covered?
  • If, he really has "cranked it up when he thinks about it" (but doesn't drive it)
    be sure to take the oil fill cap off the engine and check for moisture/RUST.

    No way to get rid of the moisture in a diesel engine except on the road under load. Starting and idling, even fast idle only adds moisture to the crankcase.

    Said another way, you can get the COOLANT up to operating temperature without driving, but can NOT get the OIL/CRANKCASE up to operating temperature.
  • Tires are original and he knew they had to be replaced, we got that out of the way quickly.
  • Service dept #2 gets my vote.

    Plan on buying new tires. It's very possible it has the original tires.