So I do not understand why winterizing is not an option. It is always an option if one wants to take the time and effort to do it. We carried water in 5 gallon plastic cans for the potty in the winter. Carried bottle water for drinking and cooking for over 40 years for winter traveling.
If you are in a non heated garage and it gets below freezing for several hours at time then yes you need heat of some sort. We had heating pads in our last RV for the holding tanks. Put a 40 watt incandescent bulb in the back of the refrigerator outside opening if you have an ice maker. Put as many 100 watt incandescent in the tank bays and under the sink area to keep them warm Don"t use new type of bulbs as they don't put off enough heat.
NewRVerOH wrote:
Hello, hoping someone can help. I am going to have to start storing my RV (Class A Fleetwood Southwind) in an unheated storage unit. My issue is we use it in the winter for tailgating football games. Previously it was stored in a heated facility so it was never an issue. My question is I need to have water etc kept warm inside the new non heated unit. Should I simply run the furnace in the RV? Is that sufficient for keeping everything warm enough? Should I put a heater in the RV for while it is sitting in storage instead. I do not want any pipes to freeze, etc but winterizing is not an option as I use it for tailgating. Any help would be greatly appreciated.