Canadian Rainbirds wrote:
blangen wrote:
Here's a direct link to their explanation of how it works.
Lots of words that don't say much. I always get suspicious when there are lots of big words strung together yet there are also errors in the proper use of even the simpler words.
No, I haven't used this device. Just offering an opinion.
I particularly like this paragraph:
The method for inhibiting scale forma
tion on the walls of a pipe through
which a fluid is passed which consist
of exposing the fluid and there in
dissolved constituents- referred to th
e fluid-to an electric field which is
sufficient to cause modification of th
e nucleation patterns of the fluid,
thereby causing an inhibition of tho
se essential nucleation, steps which
precede and govern the formation of
the scale, by providing means for an
increase of the surface area which is
in contact with the fluid which
induces the generation of the electric
field to which the fluid are exposed
before passing through a conduit.
that has got to work. modifies the nucleation patterns.