First: Satellite TV is there for nearly all the USA, oh there are a few spots where due to a mountain you won't see the sats. And if you are in a dense enough Forest you can't see the sky.. Well, again it won't work.. But ... Expensive
Cable TV, Many RV parks have it, Many more do not Some charge.
Over the Air: MOST of the us has that, though it may be very limited (one or two stations in some places I park short term)
Where I am now, thanks to the improved Batwing (+ wingman +Sensar Pro) I'm watching TV from about 50 miles out AS I TYPE.. Now I do pick up some shows off cable as well (I have a Rube Goldburg TV system that lets me record day or night, automatically selecting CABLE or OTA via an adapter)
Side note: ANTENNA TV.. Is the name of a sub-tier network,, Good programs (One of the RETRO, Show I'm watching now is ME-TV, also COMET, and THIS, and a couple other tier 2's are my favorite networks,,, and hard to find on sat/cable systems)
Recently we had a bit of weather come through near here.. A small little storm named Matthew,, Perhaps you heard of it.. I am THREE MILES from the mandatory evacuation path.
We lost power
We lost cable
We lost internet (I had to drive 3 miles to the line of demarcation to send E-mails to people who needed to read them)
But the Antenna.. Kept right on working.. No loss of signal,, Batteries and inverters kept the DVR's working (Of course the cable only shows were lost), and the Generator recharged the batteries during the day.
The cheapest I can get Sat TV is around 70/month.. But ... WHY?