What you are looking is cheaply made and WILL blow over and rip with any hint of wind. And don't count on sitting under neath it when it's raining and think you will stay dry. Cause you won't!
https://www.amazon.com/Coleman-12-Instant-Screened-Canopy/dp/B00339C3FA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8IMHO don't buy this type.
Get an instant up type of canopy with a screen attachment.
I've looked at them all and IMHO WENZEL canopy is my first choice.
Well built with a screen attachment that FITS and WORKS. AND can withstand inclement weather.

Pricey but I've bought several cheaper versions and they have all fallen apart. For what I spent on them I could have bought 2 Wenzels!
They come up on sale quite often and other companies honor a sale price from another.