gafidler wrote:
I have a 2007 winnebago voyage on a workhorse chassis, Had the service engine soon light come on , my gas cap was not on properly , what BRAIN Surgeon decided to have a warning light come on for a loose gas cap.
The federal government. and what's more you have been told over and over and over that a loose/missing gas cap can cause that to happen."(TV ad for On-Star showed Kelly Rippa calling On-Star due to check engine light.. Ur, Mam, Did you just get gas?)
Suggestion.. NOTE this applies to Gasoline engines, do not know if the parts are there for Diesels.
I plugged an OBD-II to Blue Tooth device into the port on my RV. I have TORQUE on both my Tablet and smart phone.. I can quickly connect to the ECM (Engine Control Module) and it will tell me .. In this case.. a pair of code numbers and the text.. Evaporative Emissions Control Leak, Major Leak (Also minor leak)
Not the only possible cause.. but #1 on the hit parade is "Loose or missing gas cap" and if you check the book that's the first thing they tell you to check.
NOTE: Torque is a "Glass Dash" type application. Very nice.. I paid for it nice and I don't often do that.