Roadtrekker2 wrote:
Hi want-a-be......does it actually empty your black tank without another hose hooked up to water?
well I am not wantabe but you need one hose, a dedicated non-potable water one, to hook up to the Sewer Solution along with your standard white one for potable water.
one reason I stopped using my SS and went to the macerator was that I broke the "clips" or hooks or whatever they are called on the SS off. I think they may have improved the strength of them by now but I think if I was to use one again I would get a short clear plastic extension and just silicone seal it to the SS and put the on/off pressure on the replaceable extension, not on the SS clips.
since I had a black tank sprayer I put a wye in the supply to the SS and to the sprayer and alternated between flushing/spraying/emptying, etc.