Davydd wrote:
EsoxLucius wrote:
Davydd wrote:
The Sewer Solution is only practical at a full hookup electric, sewer and water campsite. It would be useless at most dump stations that generally only provide a water hose for rinsing without a connection on the end of the hose.
I wonder why this would be the case? I use the Sewer Solution at dump stations and have never come across one that will not accommodate it use. Most have water available with a threaded end at the spigot or water wand end and those that don't can be attached to with a Water Thief and hose clamp.
To set up a Sewer Solution and the time it takes might piss a few people off waiting at a public dump station. It would me considering that if you are connecting to a 3" outlet why don't you just use a slinky?
Agree with Davydd. I'd use a FHU site if possible. I sometimes even do that with my slinky to avoid joining in on all the dump station revelry. If there's no line we can be in and out of the dump station in less than 5 minutes but............... it's just not our favorite place to spend quality time.