First off let me thank you guys for all the great info here. I found this site because my father needs to refresh his rv, and I'm researching how to go about doing it.
I've read through most of this thread, and had a few thoughts:
- Waxing: To make things confusing, in the commercial cleaning world finish / wax are commonly used to describe the same thing. From my understanding RMP (and other similar products) is a surface finish, not a penetrating finish. Automotive wax would also be considered a surface finish. So if you have applied RMP and really think you need to wax, just tell yourself that you already have!
- Cleaning: Remembering that this is a flooring product can help you decide what is safe to use on it. What would you feel safe cleaning your (commercial) floors with? Usually any neutral cleaner does the job.
- RMP is a floor finish... many floor finishes are designed to be maintained and re-shined by burnishing or spray buffing. Has anyone tried to somehow burnish/buff their RV?
- If RMP (or Zep, which is considered pretty low end) works well, would a higher quality floor finish work better, and last longer?