Forum Discussion

racer99's avatar
Feb 26, 2014


2000 Fleetwood flair/ v-10/ f-53chassis/ 30'
Question is I am going to order new shocks and as I look at the old ones on MH I don't know if the bolts are sae or metric and no way to really measure- so if anybody has done this job lately and know the sizes it will save me from buying a bunch of sockets to try til I get the right. One thanks Rich
  • Get some kind of penetrating oil and spray them good. Let soak and if they don't come loose, you can spray them and use a torch to heat the nuts. They can be rusted pretty tight. I do believe metric also.
  • Just get 2 large metric Cresent wrenches. :h

    On a serious note, make sure you measure the hex on both the nut and the bolt head. They can often be different on the same thread size; especially the larger fasteners in the metric universe.

  • Going to be visiting at a friends for 4 days next week so we
    can tackle the job- shocks are being delivered to his house and I would get everything set up for when I get there RICH
  • You can tell with a tool called a micrometer. They are cheap at places like harbor freight.
  • "racer99".....Not to insult you, but if you don't already have the tools and plan on doing this in a campground, this is probably not the job for you to tackle. Doing service in a campground is usually a big no no.
  • Thanks dakdave
    Good to know somebody has a comment that don't help the situation BUT
    I am currently driving down the interstate but I crawled under MH just to see if it was a job doable by myself at a campground and yes I will get out a tape and try to get a measurement but I hoped someone may have tackled this lately and remembered the sizes RICH
  • Suspect they would be metric. Most everything on my 06 chassis is metric. Took me 30 minutes to replace using air tools.
  • I believe they are SAE, but it's been a while since I changed mine. You will need a long breaker bar or be really strong!!!! Or a good stout air gun. My $80 gun wouldn't touch them.
  • A name racer99 and you don't own a tape measure ? must have been interesting racing.