Forum Discussion

mrcllusb's avatar
Jun 16, 2014

Shopping for class c, daily cost to operate?

My wife and I have started class c shopping. We're looking in the 24' range. My question is what does it cost daily to operate when traveling? For instance, we just drove from GA to CO, and with gas and hotel room we spent about 200.00 a day. Will the daily fuel cost in the class c be more or less?
  • My wife and I just returned from a cross country trip from Fresno, Ca to Atlanta, GA and back. The trip we took included a total of 35 days. Twice we stopped for week-long stays in campgrounds, other nights were single stays as low as $12.50 a night (Passport America)up to $30.00 a night with no discounts. Two nights were at a Flying J or other boondock stop. Our total for fuel and campgrounds without food was under $125.00 a day. We ate in just about the same fashion as we would had we stayed home for those same 35 days, some home cooked, some restaurant supplied. And as Artum Snowbird said...a good sleep in your own bed. Others may differ, but my experience is that the longer you are out and about, the cheaper daily cost you will accrue.
  • Stopping, checking in, unloading bags, heading out for dinner, trying the bed, judging the joint... compared to stopping, moving to the back, making dinner, climbing into your own and having a sound sleep..

    No comparison
  • I understand. With my wife's recent back surgery, traveling cross country in the car will be no more. Thank you for your guidance.
  • Rough estimate -- figure 8-10 miles per gallon. If you stay in RV parks, guess about $30 per night. (That can vary a lot.) Look at average gas costs where you'll be going, and that should give you an idea. By my quick calculation, your $200 might translate into a bit more than 350 miles if you pay $3.50 per gallon.
  • You are not going to save money having your own RV unless you are used to going to a close motel, then buying restaurant food nearby so you can visit your friends.

    Travelling distances in a rig instead of a small car is much more expensive per mile, but stopping off the road in remote campgrounds where the stars come out, and you have some bevvies and steaks on your own bbq is just so much better when you slow down and enjoy the journey.

    It's a change in lifestyle, not a dollar saved or spent.
  • Well that's not bad at all for roughly 8hrs of driving at a 60mph average.