The old saying, "An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure." is still a good proverb to follow. If in doubt, winterize! I think it's better to err on the side of caution than to pay for playing Russian Roulette.
If the temps are dropping to below freezing for only short periods of time, I suggest blowing the line rather than running the "pink stuff". Blowing doesn't cost anything, (except an air compressor if you don't already have one) and the blow plug for your garden hose hook-up on the camper.
Nothing wrong with running the "pink stuff", but if you use the camper, it means flushing the "pink stuff" out every time and that might get old, especially if you do it several times over a short period of time. Blow method will work fine in your situation.
We have, in the past, over several years, ran the pink stuff and then a couple weeks later hit the road, and then winterized again before getting back into the freeze zone states. Sometimes switching back and forth 3 or 4 times between mid-November to mid-March (in Indiana). I prefer running the "pink stuff". But if we were switching back and forth every week, or every few days, I'd just use the blow method instead.
Either way, One ounce vs One pound? It's your comfort level that really matters, not ours.