Forum Discussion

shirlw's avatar
Jul 24, 2014

Showing my RV to prospective buyers

We want to try selling our 2006 Four Winds Class A ourselves, but have some concerns about showing it to prospective buyers. There are plenty of articles about advertising and setting your sales price, but nothing about the interaction with the buyer. Do we just let them go out on a test drive by themselves? That seems risky for our coach. Do we hop in the RV with complete strangers to go on a test drive? That seems like a safety risk! Has anyone here been either a buyer or seller in a private transaction? How was the test drive part handled? Any other advice appreciated!
  • If you are uncomfortable selling on your own, which I gather you are, I would suggest consignment.
    A year ago a man was selling his truck. Someone came and they wanted to go for a test drive. The man was in his late 30's, tall, athletic and well built. He had cell, wife knew the route. He never returned. They found his body. I realize that this is a rare case but as I said, if you are uncomfortable have a dealer sell for you.
  • shirlw wrote:
    We want to try selling our 2006 Four Winds Class A ourselves, but have some concerns about showing it to prospective buyers. There are plenty of articles about advertising and setting your sales price, but nothing about the interaction with the buyer. Do we just let them go out on a test drive by themselves? That seems risky for our coach. Do we hop in the RV with complete strangers to go on a test drive? That seems like a safety risk! Has anyone here been either a buyer or seller in a private transaction? How was the test drive part handled? Any other advice appreciated!

    Hi. On all of our coach sale transactions, we meet and talked with the buyers first, while they were doing their inspection.

    During the communication prior to meeting, we advised them if they would like to do a test drive, then we need their insurance info ahead of time. Which we then called on and verified they were covered for driving a vehicle they did not own, and their limits covered the unit price in case of loss or damage. Also asked ins company for the info in an email. If they are a serious buyer, they will not have a problem with it.

    We allowed a test drive after we met, only if we were comfortable with them. Hubby went with them on the drive and I stayed back with the second person ( which there usually is ). Both of us had our cell phones and he let me know what route he would be taking them on for the test.

    Sold 5 over the years, private party, and never had a problem. Also helps that DH is 6'2" and weighs over 200 lbs.

    How we did our sales was having the RV cleared of all personal posessions and let them do their thing. When they had questions, they would ask us. Nobody likes a pushy salesperson, and nobody wants a stranger going through their things. Plus, makes some people very uncomfortable ( see above post )

    Best of luck.
  • I just couldn't deal with individuals myself and going on test drives, etc. So, we have decided to consign our coach and they will charge 8% of the selling price. Worth every penny in my opinion.

    The dealer will have financing options available, etc., for the new buyer.

    We still have one more trip lined up so consignment will happen in about a month.

    Safe travels,
  • We are looking and saw a private seller the other day. Seemed nice enough but I felt funny going through things while he was living in it. We opted not to ho forward and are looking at dealers.

  • We purchased ours privately from a Craig's List ad. We went to look at it. Son had purchased it from parents, and was now selling. DH had questions son could not answer. So we arranged a second meet, and his parents met us where the MH was stored.

    DH was able to do a test drive. The man went with DH for the test drive and the wife and I followed in her car. They were nervous, not knowing us and if my DH knew how to drive it. Which is understandable. We were nervous too, getting into vehicles with strangers.

    She followed and after about two turns, she declared my DH knew what he was doing. It all went well, but it is a huge gamble any way you look at it.

    You don't know the ppl and you hear horror stories... and you sure don't want to just turn someone loose in a coach.

    We lucked out. Hopefully you are able to, also.