Forum Discussion

mookie6's avatar
May 04, 2013

Slide Binded

So I extended my livingroom slide. I was looking out the side mirror and the slide seemed to be coming out as usual. I hear a pop. As it turns out, the front of the slide extended all the way and the back of it stayed in place. Now it is binded. I released the 2 relief valves on the fluid pump and tried to retract it with the wench. To no avail. Its really stuck. Any suggestions would be welcome. I have a 99 wini. The livingroom slide is about 15ft or so.
  • We had our living room slide (behind the driver side)bind up. Luckily, I caught it in time before any damage was done. It appeared that the bottom part towards the back got stuck. I did hear a popping noise and stopped immediately.

    The whole slide was sticking out about 4 inches and I didn't want to move it. I called my service center 65 miles away and made an appt. All the slide needed was to be adjusted. The service guy told me that "THAT" particular slide needed to be adjusted once a year. I have never read anything in the manual about it. Thank goodness I stopped the slide when I did as there is a painted piece that I could have broken that a slide braket locks onto.

    So now, I'll have it adjusted yearly along with the other things that need attention. Apparently, just that slide has a certain mechanism that the others don't that needs adjusting.

  • Thanks Marv. Trying to wench it in manually but its really binded. Hoping to get a mobile tech out soon, if nothing else, more man power to push while I crank. Maybe attaching the crank to a seatbelt anchor on the side that is out because the loop below the couch is in the middle of the slide.
  • Happened to me a few years ago. The mobile tech actually called HWH for help and was able to get my long slide in (opening valves using crank and some man power). I then had to take it to a HWH dealer for repairs to the slide section that had popped all the fasteners along the bottom where the outer wall connects to the bottom. Screwed and glued, then good as new. Never knew what caused the problem, and it has never happened again, go figure!
  • One possibility is a mobile RV repair guy. Another, if your purchase dealer is nearby maybe he can send someone out to fix it. Either of these two is $$, but you know that. Call the factory. They might have a "cheater' fix that you can do.