That depends upon the motorhome. On our class A, I can put the slide out or bring them in without the engine running. They WILL NOT go out with the engine running (safety interlock feature). Also, my slides don't care if the parking brake is set or not, but if a storage bay door under a slide is open, the slides will not go out. The slides WILL come in with the engine running. In fact, I can literally hear the main slide motor working easier when the engine is running, so I usually start the engine to bring in the main slide. The small slide in the bedroom doesn’t seem to matter that much.
The fifth wheel you mention only HAS “coach” batteries as there IS no chassis battery, so no option there and the tow vehicle will start even if those batteries are weak/dead. A lot of (many/most/all?) motorhomes have the slides wired to the chassis battery. I believe the reason for this is so that IF you run the coach batteries down overnight (say with the furnace running), you can still bring in the slides in the morning using the fully charged chassis battery and hit the road. As was mentioned above, starting the engine boosts the battery voltage by a good 10+% which is easier on the motor and wiring.
Not being an RV designer, the other thing I wonder is if the slides in the motorhomes have to be built a bit more solidly seeing as there may be people sitting in the slide area while the vehicle is in motion. This isn’t a concern with trailers & fivers. Therefore the slides in the motorhomes might be heavier. Just guessing there.
Most likely, it’s whatever the manufacturer thinks is best. Or cheapest! LOL