Forum Discussion

devildog1971's avatar
Feb 12, 2018

Slide rooms and Leveling

I was reading the manual that came with the 2002 40 foot DP. It implies to extend slides no matter how unlevel the motorhome is and after extending the slide rooms to then level the coach. I would think you would want the motorhome at least within some parameters of being level before deploying slides. It would seem if you were way out of canter it would be hard on the slide mechanisms . I have read this 3 times and it states when you arrive at your campsite take care of plugging in electric and water then deploy slides, then after slides are deployed you can then start to level your R V I guess I am really new to RV'ing at least as far as class A are concerned. With our truck campers we leveled the camper so that the refer was level what do you guys think
  • You should follow the advice of the manufacturer. More times than not the slides will be in a better position to extend when the coach is still in “travel” mode as in not on levelers. If you are on a severe out of level condition leveling first may help OR it may contort the frame such that the slide will jam.
  • I would follow the manufactures instructions.

    My Winnebago states: Level, then put slides out.
  • This depends on the manufacture and how the slides are installed. Some are , slides out then level. You wouldn’t camp hopefully in some crazy out of level place. If you are someplace the levelers are capable of leveling you you are ok. I was told that if I didn’t do it that way on mine , like yours that slides go out first, I could damage the slide outs! It doesn’t seem normal to me asl the other brands I’ve owned were reverse of that , but I was assured the slides were made to be operated while out of level and fully aired up.
    Follow the manufacturer method .. whatever that is for you coach , they aren’t all the same.
  • My 2008 Holiday Rambler (Monaco) manual specifically states to follow the same process as the OP describes. Slides out, then level - to leave, you reverse the process.

    This procedure came up at several Monaco rallies during class sessions and the company always held firm. The company prefers that slides be extended BEFORE dropping air, then leveling.

    That said, I find myself sometimes leveling first if the site is so unlevel I would need to "push" the slide uphill to extend.

    Either way, I've never had any issues with leveling - both work.
  • My directions on my TT state to level, stablize, then put the slides out