Maybe check something called "Encoders" there is a cover that would look like a syloniod on the slidout motors with I think three bolts holding it on. About the size of the cap from a bottle of spray paint...give or take. When the cover is off you would see the encoders. Basically they are a metal rod with what could be described as metal "Pedals" all around it. Typically what happens is these pedals break off. They are needed to tell the slidout computer that both slides are moving evenly and if it doesnt get the signal then it stops the slidout motors. I had to have mine replaced once. Since I didn't know what i was doing I had a shop do it, but they were nice enough to show me how it was done after the fact. It looks like a very simple job if it were to happen again. But I would recommend searching the web and finding a drawing of it. Your symptoms are the same as mine were...slide out fine but no dice back in.