You can buy those plug heat shields from Auto Zone under the Mr Gasket brand. They did the trick for me on a 454 & then on the 460 & will probably do good for you.
One little tip I can give you, dont just start up & take off, idle the engine for a good while, so every part of the engine can get up to operating temps to keep the exhaust manifolds from over expanding.
The AIR system, it is trying to add air to the exhaust for a cleaner burn after the cylinder, but I think it was a Ford smoke & mirror deal, adding air to cool those high exhaust temps to keep from replacing manifolds.
Anyway, I sure hope the engineer that designed in all those air hoses on the 460, dont find a job nowhere else in the engine industry & design that stupidity into any other engine.
But wait, maybe they did & is in the way of computer & sensor controls.