Forum Discussion

MarshaNichols's avatar
Jan 24, 2014

Smog on a new C

Bought a new C in in CA. I am told by CA-DMV that it needs to have a smog done for registration to be complete. This surprised me as I thought, being new, that wouldn't be necessary! Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
  • Here in Texas, smog check consists of attaching a plug to the OBD-II port and if the ECM has no codes, it passes.
  • If the new vehicle's smog control system meets CA requirements, smog testing shouldn't be required for the first two years. Maybe you should talk to a supervisor at the DMV. If that doesn't help, I'd just pay the $60 to have it smog tested.
  • It might depend on how old the chassis is. Lots of new RV 's are built on 2 year old chassis.
  • The smog test probably has more to due with the fact that the MH was purchased outside of Ca. and the C.A.R.B. standards require that all veh. registered in Ca. be CARB compliant. Veh sold outside of Ca. don't have to meet that standard.
  • Yup... I agree. Gotta smog it/ pay sales tax/ license fees.
    I live in CA.
    Plus the sticker under hood will probably have that it meets "CA smog" and California will be spelled out separately, all in the "fine print" on sticker.
    Not too bad. will only cost you about $50-60, like a regular car.
    Funny, they will not ask you for proof of insurance.
    Plus might be the "honor method" of how much you paid, for DMV to figure sales tax.
  • mlts22 wrote:
    Here in Texas, smog check consists of attaching a plug to the OBD-II port and if the ECM has no codes, it passes.

    What has that got to do with the poster who lives in California and bought her vehicle in Arizona?????????