Even though you like the gas motorhome you are looking at, I would hold off and keep looking. I had literally been looking on craigslist every day for two months for a deal to present itself. I had a 1994 georgie boy pursuit 28' chevy 454 gas engine and a 4kw kohler generator. It ran ok but definitely did not have enough power. The generator was underneath the kitchen so you still heard it but not too loud. The engine roaring and getting hot between the two passengers is one part I did not like. In the DP, you can literally talk in a low voice, with the generator running and be able to hear each other clearly. Much, much different from a gas engine. Also, the heat and exhaust are all out back, behind you. Now, there are drawbacks to the diesel. Like if someone wants to sleep on the back bed going down the highway, the engine is right underneath you and producing quite a bit of noise and heat. I have slept on one and didn't get much sleep going down the road. Too bouncy back there anyways, on either the gas or diesel version. Now, my dad bought a 2001 HR endeavor about 4 years ago. It came all setup to tow and also came with a 2001 jeep liberty. His has a larger cat 350, larger tires, 10 lug wheels and an extra slide out back. But he also paid $55k for his package, and I paid $32k for mine. I would look at ebay but be sure you can look the unit over in person before you buy it. Craigslist is where the best deals can be found. The people I sold my '94 georgie boy to were clueless to RV's so I spent about half the day running them through every system on it. They were very grateful for me doing that. Make sure the seller is not rushing you through anything. If they do that probably means they are hiding something. Helps to take a friend with you to maybe see things you don't.