I cannot help locating a mechanic or alignment shop in SOCAL, but I wanted to mention that a "1989" Ford E-Series is Twin I-Beam but it's a Kingpin axle, not Ball Joints which began in the 1992 Chassis Model year. Most of the wandering complaints come from the Ball Joint Axle. I put "1989" in quotes because the Chassis Year may be different from the "Year" assigned by the coach builder, and either year might be on your title/registration. We had a "1984" coach on a 1983 E350 and it wandered. At 100,000 miles the kingpins were NOT worn out. Steering box leaked and I replaced it. Replacing the front Sway Bar End Links with a hard bushing kit made a huge difference and so did adjusting the toe-in. I also replaced the bushings where axles mounted to the crossmember and radius arms mounted to chassis rails, but that gave me less improvement than sway bar and toe. Steering box was probably loose.
The Kingpin Axle drives better than the Ball Joint one. I never took the old E350 to an alignment shop. Ball Joint axle needs the Caster increased. It can be done on Kingpins, a whole different way, but does not seem to be needed on most of the RV's.