There are quite a number of us with "excess" solar power and battery bank that permit us to do just about anything without hookup or generator. It is a question of attitude and life-style prerogatives. Got together with another boondocker near Glacier and his system is similar to ours: he has 1200W of solar and 1200 ampdhours of PbS (14 kW-hours); while we have 1420W of solar and 9.6 kW-hours of LFP.
This permits up to 3.5 hours of AC (down 50% DOD and can go down to 80% with no problems), micro-wave, heating pads, etc. A Class B could easily fit 700 W of solar. 4.8 kW-hours of LFP would only weigh 125#. LFP costs have dropped 30% in the year since we purchased ours. First class panels are about 50 cents/watt
Reed and Elaine