Keep your eyes open and read all your craigslist ads in the area every day morning and night. You will find your RV. I think the Falcons or Coachmans are mostly under 10,000 these days. Mid 90's vans with couch, small bath in the rear, and small kitchen area. No overhead which I would miss. Although there is one for sale in Phoenix right now that advertises an overhead sleeping compartment.
The Toyota's are attractive but some are so old, mid 80's and you are looking at lots of work that you don't sound like you want to do.
I have liked the look of the fiberglass shell Starflyte RV's--Ron.Dittmer has a great post about what to look for in a Class C and his brother has one of these. I have seen them for sale occasionally in Phoenix. In fact there is a 2000 now, but the $8000 price seems a bit undervalued--and the other is a 1999 at a dealer for almost $20,000!
Seems with your situation you might also consider a small Class A. If you would not mind driving the different form factor. It could be more comfortable for you and your DH as they have a bit more space. Sometimes the Class A's are less expensive for the same model engine etc.
This may be a little late in your area to buy but off season purchases are often a better bargain. Searching for your next RV is a good challenge and quite a bit of fun to see what is out there and what will get you out and about enjoying yourself! Good Luck!