By "rectifier" I assume you mean "converter," the gizmo that takes 120V shore power and spits out 12V power to charge the house battery and power the house systems.
Often the converter is mounted on the same chassis as the breaker panel and 12V fuse panel, usually in the lower portion of this chassis. Sometimes it's a separate deck-mount converter, in which case it could be pretty much anywhere. At the age of your RV, it's likely a simple linear (ferroresonant) converter, which means there's a good chance it hums in operation, and if you can hear that hum it might help guide you to where it is located. Of course, as it isn't working, there might be no hum.
Failing that, you might be able to trace the heavy wires from the battery and/or 12V distribution panel to find where it is...or just start poking around behind and underneath any removable access panels you can find, and under all the drawers, and so forth.
Given the age of the RV, if it's the original converter, you'd be well served to replace it with a modern multistage converter, such as a PD 92xx unit. It would be gentler on your batteries, charge them faster, and provide cleaner power to your 12V systems.