Thanks guys, you input has caused to to spend some more time playing with this and looking at options.
Yesterday, just for giggles, I cranked it up so high everything was rather distorted. However, when I went into the bath area it became clear which really caught my attention as it didn't make sense to me. Back into the bedroom and yep distorted. So here I come seeking "CLARITY". Perhaps it's the configuration??
The bedroom it typical MH but there is an island double vanity sitting across the width of the MH effectively forming a central wall with entrances at each end...say 3' or so wide. Is it possibly the sound wave are rattling around in the bedroom like a box full of BB's and than forced into a more coherent pattern as it exits this box.
As far as the speakers go, The little double cube types are readily available on Ebay so I might pick up 5. If nothing else they will look a lot better. I'm sure my hearing has also lost high frequency sensitivity as well.
Thanks again for you input.