Forum Discussion

tropical36's avatar
Jul 17, 2016

Splendide Washer/Dryer Combo 2000S

What's with this sticker on the front and really doesn't make much sense to me for being installed in a large coach?....

"Caution, open a window or vent while operating dryer. It is dangerous to create a negative air pressure inside a vehicle containing fuel burning appliance."

What exactly are we talking about here and again, must be missing something.
  • Typical with instructions, the first 7 pages are nothing but disclaimers as a result of all documents being vetted by the legal department before publication.
  • Mandalay Parr wrote:
    I'll tell you my coach is no way air tight enough to cause a negative pressure

    Especially with the slides out, eh and I'm still trying to stop some water leaks?
  • Mandalay Parr wrote:
    I'll tell you my coach is no way air tight enough to cause a negligible pressure

    X 2
  • cbeierl wrote:
    The dryer is electric (120V AC), but in the process of drying it takes in air from the coach and expels it via the exhaust vent, thus creating a negative pressure in the coach if there are no open windows or vents. The gas appliance(s) referred to are primarily the stove.

    The water heater, fridge and combustion side of the gas furnace should be sealed from the coach and fed from/vented to the outside and so should not be affected by a negative pressure in the coach.

    Good explanation, thanks and could see no way that this thing had a gas line running to it and especially with the way it can shake the whole coach with an imbalanced load in it.
  • The dryer is electric (120V AC), but in the process of drying it takes in air from the coach and expels it via the exhaust vent, thus creating a negative pressure in the coach if there are no open windows or vents. The gas appliance(s) referred to are primarily the stove.

    The water heater, fridge and combustion side of the gas furnace should be sealed from the coach and fed from/vented to the outside and so should not be affected by a negative pressure in the coach.
  • Is that model of Splendidi gas for drying, if it is then you should Crack a window or a vent.