Well, no one so far has brought up that Sprinters have very high vampire/parasitic drains on the battery. If you are going to leave the MH sit for more than 5 days or so, you should use the
battery disconnect to prevent these drains from drawing the battery down. The owners manual tells you how to do this, the disconnect is the battery ground wire, located inside the passenger compartment near the accelerator pedal. You press a button on the connector and pull the cable off the stud on the firewall, and leave it flopping until you are ready to go again.
One word of caution, give the vehicle several minutes to get itself electronically sorted out after shutdown before disconnecting the cable.
Is this a 2018 coach on a 2017 chassis? if so the information is in the owners manual
2017 Sprinter Owners ManualSee pages 116 and 117 for operation of the "Battery Isolating Switch".
If you happen to have a 2018 chassis, the information is the same.
2018 Sprinter Owners ManualPages 118 and 119, same info.