tobydad wrote:
simplest first - check that battery connections are tight. If you can move them, they are too loose.
I once fixed a starting problem for a friend even after a tow truck had been out to look things over...simply by tightening the battery connections. If they are loose, they won't start the car predictably and they won't accept a charge from the alternator predictably. Check that first.
If your battery has been drained "a bunch of times" (10 or more??) since you've had it, it is likely damaged.
Obviously you want to find what is causing your draw. Fixing the PROBLEM is always best. One thing though I would suggest, IF YOU HAVE SOLAR on your rig, is to install a Trik-L-Start device ( Very easy to install and your coach solar will keep your chassis battery charged (...provided your leak isn't excessive). I have it installed on all 3 of my RVs.
Another thing you can do, is install this $15 solution to keep your chassis battery from getting drained:
Good luck! I hate dead batteries!