FloridaRosebud wrote:
Had an interesting issue yesterday. Had just finished fueling up, heading to Perry when the MH would not start. 2006 National Seabreeze LX. Pressed the boost button and still no go. ???. So I had my 600A booster, connected to the engine battery and STILL nothing. Dang, this is not good. First trip to Perry and we're dead before we get on the road. Wife says what if you start the genny? OK, I didn't think the genny charged the engine battery but we'll give it a try. BOOM, started right up. So, without having time yet to look at the schematic, does the genny charge the engine (chassis) battery? What is the standard for a Class A. I'm going to also post this on the National forum on iRV2.
First question is.....was the chassis battery actually dead or was there some other intermittent problem, that wasn't allowing the engine to turn over?
Unless there's also a problem with the aux. boost, then it should have started, when coupling all the batteries together.
The genset does charge your chassis battery through the converter, but only after the coach batteries are up.
I'm doubting that your batteries were the problem, but time will tell with that one, so if and when there's a next time, you need to check the voltages on the batteries, before proceeding any further.
We had a 98 National with a GM engine and I replaced the starter twice over a period of 9yrs. with the rig being 9yrs old, when we got it.