Tom/Barb wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
Please READ and COMPREHEND my post. It is 100 percent accurate. Gensets as well as Shore Power CANNOT charge batteries. All they do is supply 120 POWER to the actual charging appliances on the RV. Disconnect or have a bad Converter or Inverter/Charger. Then try and charge your RV. Doug
If The Inverter/charger is the "charger" where does it get the energy to do that.
How can the Inverter/charger which makes no energy, so how can it be the charger?
The inverter charger is only directing and controlling the charge rate That is all it can do.
You know, I was being nice. Since you either do not like me or you are a jerk, Inverter/CHARGERS are a BATTERY CHARGER. It takes 120 volts to make them work. GENSETS, HAVE NO CHARGER. If you disconnect the Inverter/Charger or your Converter, within about 24 hours your Genset will stop running as it requires 12 volts to stay running. It will draw its needed current from the battery bank supplying it until that battery bank is depleted by the Genset. AN INVERTER/CHARGER MAKES ENERGY. Doug