Trackrig wrote:
John S. wrote:
So, why do you need a book. The signs tell you as does looking out the window. If it is a main road or interstate and can handle a truck, it can handle a coach.
Drivers that are new to mountain driving are a lot more comfortable if they know what to expect about the road before they get there. As for trucks, I've had my DP on many roads where trucks don't go such as lower Utah and coming into the Tetons from St Anthony. You can't get part way into those roads, see no trucks, and decide to turn around.
Where is it, I believe south of Mt Rushmore, on a road called Iron Mountain Road and then the one that goes up to Needles. I believe the book will tell you not to take anything over 30' (maybe shorter) on those two due the very sharp blind turns on a narrow road. From the amount of scrape marks on the rock besides the road, people must not have read the book. And 13' high MH wouldn't have fit through the tunnels either. The Jeep did just fine.
Just because I go into some areas doesn't mean the next person should or would. And I wouldn't have gone into them if I didn't have air brakes and a retarder.
Forewarned is Forearmed.
X 2Exactly right.
Why some don't want others to have these directories is a hard one to understand when it comes to planning your trip. A big rig is a big responsibility out on the open highways.