Forum Discussion

Woodchuk103's avatar
Oct 22, 2018

Steps fuse ?

Hi I'm trying to find a fuse for my electric steps won't go in ? 2000 four winds hurricane 34 ft. Thanks rick
  • Mine has some 12 volt fuses where the 120 volt breakers are located. Find your electric panel and see if there are some fuses there.
  • My rig has fuses for chassis related electric units, such as the steps, in the control panel that houses the battery shut off solenoids,within my battery compartment.
  • time to start following wires ,I hate that. when I add wires ,I put a tag on it telling where the fuse is. and what its for.
  • Somebody before me has removed screen door and I didn’t see a light also they had put a toggle switch on it . It stopped working so I tried to get it to work by using a hot wire from my cabin switch and it sparked now dosnt work and no power to cabin switch I’m lost thanks ! I have power to cabin fuses in back and all things work but my switch for cabin has no power and will not shut off power to fuse box if that makes any sense ?
  • Turn on the engine, open and close the door. IF the underside round amber step light goes on and off, your fuse is good. Doug