Stablizers in general have one major problem.. TWO brands (Far as I know) Address this problem.
The problem: They all try to center your wheel, What happens if center, is no longer center? The road could be "High domed" which tends to push you to the right so you need to "Center" a bit more to the left, or there could be a medium cross wind (Strong cross wind you park) which tends to push you down-wind so you need to re-center up-wind.
BLUE OX True Center has a button you push, inside the motor home, it re-centers. (Short comment follows)
I understand the Saf-T-Steer has an optional remote re-center device (Adjustment) as well.. at least I think that is the brand.
Just how much difference does one of these make.
Blue Ox says not to press button while in motion but,, Of course,, You do because in truth that is the only way to get it right (I do find i have to slightly over correct so it takes a few tries)
Well, you have seen those disabled pilot TV shows or movies where some novice has to land the plane.. When he turns off the auto pilot he dang near looses control.... BELIEVE IT, that's how much difference it made when I pushed that button (Thankfully I was limited speed).
Short story 2: One of the problems with the Blue Ox system was the soleniod burning out when folks "Sat" on the button for like 10 minutes at a time, SO a multi-trained engineer suggested putting a timer in the line.
My original failed, they replaced, the new one came....... with said timer in the box.... (Yes, I was the "Engineer" above).