Forum Discussion

BigDaddy1951's avatar
Jan 29, 2022

Stolen Catalytic Converter

Winnebago Voyage 35L Workhorse W22.
Well it happened. Thieves cut off one of the two catalytic converters on our RV. Don’t know why they only took one. Reported and have insurance etc. Normally I would contact insurance and get it repaired. BUT… an OEM Cat will be 1-3 months wait. Here are my concerns.
1. If I go the OEM route, can I install a temporary straight exhaust pipe so I can use the rig and
run the motor without rousing the neighborhood? My concern is, will this cause the computer to code, give a light, and or reduce power. Even if that is not an issue, could having a Cat on one side and not the other damage the engine?
2. I can get an aftermarket Cat sooner. Not worried at this point about warranty on a 2007. I know these are not the quality of OEM, but are they Ok? Again, don’t want to throw codes or damage the engine.
Thanks in advance for the knowledge shared!
  • What Happens When You Drive Without A Catalytic Converter?
    When facing the recovery costs of a stolen “cat,” many customers wonder, “Can I drive without my catalytic converter?”

    The answer is both yes and no. Technically, a car can function without a catalytic converter. However, this is not a sustainable long-term option. Here are some of the troubles you will face when driving without a catalytic converter.

    Loud Vehicle Noises and Missing Catalytic Converter
    The first sign of a stolen catalytic converter is incredibly loud vehicle noises. You will find that when driving without your catalytic converter, it will sound like your vehicle is roaring—especially when starting or giving it gas.

    Rough Driving and Acceleration
    As your exhaust goes unregulated, your vehicle will drive more roughly. Your engine usually forces your exhaust through your catalytic converter. Without this component in place, this forceful exhaust push will lead to jarring, uneven acceleration.

    Annual Vehicle Inspection Failure
    Without your catalytic converter, you will fail both your NC safety inspection and your NC emissions inspection. While the emissions inspection failure may seem obvious, you might be wondering why a missing catalytic converter would cause you to fail your safety inspection.

    Your annual safety inspection includes an exhaust system check, which checks specifically for removed and tampered components. This includes your catalytic converter, as well as your muffler, exhaust pipe, PCP valve, and EGR valve, among others.

    As such, you will be unable to renew your vehicle registration without a catalytic converter. You can find more information on exhaust system checks here on our list of everything checked during your annual safety inspection.
  • Just add a temp straight section until you can get what you want. The noise factor should not be too loud.
  • W22 chassis are fairly common. A call to a few salvage yards might get you a used OEM replacement in a few days.
  • Thanks, I will. Probably wait until
    Monday. And no they stole the one on the passenger side. Nearer the light I guess. LOL.
  • Let me guess, they took the one on the drivers side???? Ours was stolen to a couple years ago. Have you given Ultra RV a call. That's where I purchased mine along with quite a few other items over the years. The phone number is 800-417-4559 and they're open 6-4 pacific time. Have your Vin# available when you call. Hope this helps you out.