Alxcook wrote:
OK, I had to go with the 60lbs for the larger doors, just for reference. 40lb did nothing.
We have many compartment doors on our '04 Itasca Horizon 36GD with the C-7 330HP CAT, that are held open by TWO, 100 lbs struts. Based on the connection points, and the leverage involved, yes, it takes considerably more pressure to hold many doors open simply because, the leverage at the short "fulcrum" (I'm fairly sure that's the correct word) point of support. Sure, you can hold your doors up with around maybe 15 lbs or less of lift. That's because you're lifting that door from the outer edge where you have way more leverage but, that's not where the points of lift are, on the doors.
If you want to test this theory, disconnect your struts, if you have two, like many do, and see how much lift you have to apply AT THOSE POINTS where the struts attach. You'll find you really, really have to exert a lot of pressure/lift, to actually lift and support that door.