My surge protector is Surge Guard, model 34560. Line 1 and Line 2 light up in green and the Caution When Flashing Light blinks in red while checking the power from the pedestal. I should have 3 green lights,( no red) when all is OK. I have my unit hooked up to a 15 amp outlet at home just to keep my batteries charged with no problem .
I went back to the campground today. They are replacing some of the 50 amp breakers with 60 amps as needed.The campground handy man told me some of the new larger Class A busses are now all electric. He assures me that the pedestal is hooked up properly because all he did was change the 50 amp to a 60.
This has really got me puzzled. I will continue to try to find the solution because I really like the campground and the people there.