down home wrote:
We have Royal Purple synthetic in our Onan gen set. No leaks but it didn't have many hours on it when we installed it.
When real or ester based synthetics came out I had to replace gaskets or tighten on my Plymouth Fury, The oil was thin but you couldn't hold a screw driver between thumb and finger when dipped in it.
Castrol sued Mobil One because it wanted to call its more highly refined dyno oil synthetic and won.
Mobile One went that route as did all others. Castrol Syntec leaves a hard red lacquer in the high performance engine I tried it in.
Some new Mobil One oils have some real synthetic in it now I'm told and some are full synthetic.
Don't run a blend. I did in a turbo charged car and the dyno portion turned to amber sand like grains and chewed up turbo shaft and other engine parts.
Red Line makes full synthetic ester based oils ass does some used by Honda and Porsche.
Someone posted a reply to my inquiry some time ago with links as to who sold what real synthetics in the US.
If your Kohler is leaking replace the gaskets it's seeping dyno oil anyway.
Just be sure crank seals don't leak with real synthetic.
Mercedes and others specd Mobile One touted as synthetic. Mercedes has changed spec and supposedly uses some Mobile one now but not in Europe. It is as clear as mud. I'm going to talk to Service Manger and may have oil switched to Red line or merc European spec real synthetic.
I think what some have missed is that by going back to regular oil(which is what the OEM recommends anyway) it fixed the leak, no need to replace the gaskets. My genset is 20 years old. Many use syn oil in new gensets and engines without leaks that is good. The point is not which is a better oil we have pages of those threads. I will continue to use syn oil in my MH but never again in my 20 year old generator .