camper_ron wrote:
Sully2 wrote:
camper_ron wrote:
I have dun a good amount of research, finding out the WAL-MART stuff is supposedly good? I was not running this brand in my MH I am not sure what Synthetic oil the RV shop used. I was merely carrying this quart for adding. Not sure how long I had it in the compartment , but still have not gotten an answer to my original post anyone ever heard of this gelling, And is it damaging? I have used this method for about 8 years and 56,000 miles with no problem.
Dont use ANY syn oil in it. You arent working it under conditions that actually warrant syn oil. A top grade "dinosaur fat squeezings" will do you fine. 5W-30 or 10W-40 depending on the time of year you really work that coach "hard"
Well Sully2 long time no see. Thought you moved on. I bought the Motorhome with Synthetic already being use. I am somewhat hesitant to switch to dino?
Thanks, r0n……
Hello dude. No...they want me to move on but I keep resisting...:B Dont switch oils then. Buy a good brand of syn oil and install it along with a good filter and just keep it that way. If you an average milage driver it will keep you running A-OK.