wa8yxm wrote:
down home wrote:
I use Mobil One but soon as I get a little more urge I'm going to locate a true synthetic for the little Mercedes,
Some time ago (2006 or 7 not sure which) I attended a rally. I attended the Shell (Rotella) lecture/presentation.
At that time the Shell rep, told us basically what you said about most "Synthetics" actually being Highly refined Dino oil.
He did mention two brands that were still 100 percent man made (By the way folks, Synthetic means man made) MOBILE ONE and one other.. I believe it was Amzoil. but please do not hold me to that one,,,
I'm not sure true Synthetic is necessarily better. But then I'm not sure it is not better either... (Not sure = Not sure).
Wiki - Synthetic Oil so you now what is what. It doesn't tell you which synthetics are really synthetics and which are Hydrocracked Dino Group III oils. And none of companies make it easy. One can tell if they send their oil in for analysis, but many don't. But one can also tell by looking over at the
Bob Is The Oil Guy Forum, and see if anyone has posted a used oil analysis of a brand and type of oil that matches what you are using. All the info is there.
We can thank Castrol and the FTC for this confusion on what constitutes Synthetic oil. Mobil challenged Castrol for marketing their Group III hydroprocessed Syntec® motor oil as a synthetic when it wasn't. The FTC ruled in favor of Castrol, pulling the wool over the American Public's eyes concerning what is and isn't synthetic motor oil. By chemical definition, the Group III hydroprocessed so called synthetics are not synthetic
Defining Synthetic LubricantsI must admit that the Group III hydroprocessed motor oils (which are called synthetics) are excellent when compared to normal Group II & III dino motor oils, and perform as well as many Group IV oils.